HighWay Education Foundation

+268 76065669 / +268 79065669


What we do

Social Care

We provide personal care and other practical assistance for children, young people, and adults who need extra support. This includes school shoes, uniforms, and support for transport expenses for identified cases.

Scholarship Program

We offer scholarships to economically disadvantaged students, enabling them to pursue secondary or tertiary education. This helps increase access to education for those who might otherwise be unable to afford it.

Research and Advocacy

We conduct research to identify challenges within the education system and advocate for policy changes. By actively engaging with policymakers, we can contribute to the development of more effective and inclusive education policies.

Community Outreach and Awareness Programs

We engage in community outreach to raise awareness about the importance of education. This involves organizing workshops, stimulating educational competitions for students, seminars, and awareness campaigns to encourage parents and communities to prioritize education.